Untitled #1

During a workshop with Beatriz Cantinho(Performance), Ricardo Jacinto(Cello) and Nuno Torres(sax), I explored the potential of the body motion tracking system in real time improvisation. Predefine rules for spatial and motion analysis of the performer were fed to sound manipulation modules, extending the soundscape created by the acoustic instruments. The performer was able to interact with the produced sound from the acoustic instruments in real-time. The performance consisted of three stages.

The performance took place at the DanceBase in Edinburgh June 2008, as a result of a 10 days residency and was presented at the Research Narratives symposium at Goldsmiths Art and Design, London 2008

The actual unedited video of the whole performance :

Creative Commons License
Untitled#1 by Lympouridis Vangelis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at inter-axions.blogspot.com.